What to Do When Your Guests Don’t RSVP

It can be frustrating when people aren’t responding as your RSVP date gets closer.

Putting together your guest list is stressful enough, but when those guests don’t RSVP in a timely fashion, it can make you want to pull your hair out. The many things you’ll need to address when wedding planning might distract you from worrying about your guest count. Let’s face it though, it can be hard not to watch your mailbox for those RSVP cards.

Before you start panicking that no one is going to show up for your wedding, here is what to do when your guests don’t RSVP.

Wait for the Deadline

People are busy. If they’re anything like this BOLI blogger, they either RSVP right away, or put the invite in a safe spot and then realize at the last minute that they forgot to respond. Give your guests until the deadline before you start asking if they’re coming or not.

MORE: What Should THEY Wear? The Pros and Cons of Wedding Guest Dress Codes

Send Out Reminders

Once the deadline passes (or maybe the day of your RSVP date), send out gentle reminders to your guests. A simple text or email with something along the lines of, “Hey, we would love to celebrate our wedding day with you, but haven’t heard from you yet. Hoping you can come!”

Make Phone Calls

Start making those phone calls, especially if they are people you were expecting to have there on your big day. It could be they just forgot to RSVP, or assumed you knew they were coming.

MORE: How to Negotiate Your Guest List with Your Parents

Enlist Help

If there is a large number of people who haven’t RSVP’d, enlist the help of your bride tribe or family members to contact your expected guests. This is especially helpful if your parents or future in-laws have invited friends and family who you don’t see too often.

Assume Some No Shows

At some point, you will have to assume they’ll be some no shows. And that’s OK! If you’ve already contacted the loved ones you really want there, assume anyone else (think – your second cousin on your mother’s side) is a no show. Just move on, no need to stress over it any more than you have already.

MORE: This Isn’t a BBQ, No You Cannot Bring a Guest

Keep Some Seats Open

If people are still keeping you guessing, reserve a few open at some tables. For example, if the table holds up to 12, assign 8 guests but tell the venue to leave the other 4 seats open. Keep in mind that this means you’ll have to pay for those seats. However, if you’re under your minimum, you’re paying for them anyway!

Reach Out to BOLI

If you’re finding that people aren’t RSVPing and you’ll be under your minimum, you can always create a BOLI table. Our brides could be going through the same thing, and are always willing to help out a fellow bride to make her day the best day ever.

Remember – at the end of the day, don’t worry about the people who didn’t RSVP or who didn’t show up. Just appreciate the ones who did share in the celebration as you start your next chapter with your future spouse.