You may think event painting is the latest fad to hit the Wedding Market Pinterest boards, magazines and tiktok trends but it has a deeper history within our human nature than we give it credit for.
From the music, to the lighting, to the outfit you wear, showing up to celebrate life and love undoubtedly resonates through generations time and time again.
Just ask Renoir, Picasso, or Monet.
Celebrations make life worth living.
When you hire Cat, you hire a translator to speak to all things celebrated. She enters the conversation between her and the fleeting moment that only exists between batting eyelashes and whispered breaths. This conversation is translated through brush strokes and pigment and isn’t entirely understood until what is on the canvas is singing the melody of that very moment in time and humming the harmony between your life and your love.
These unexplainable moments are what you’ll want to embrace forever!