After a lengthy legal battle, Hayley Paige has reclaimed the rights to her work and name. Here’s what the future holds for one of BOLI’s favorite bridal designers.
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Image courtesy of Hayley Paige
A little over three years ago, the BOLI community rallied around bridal designer Hayley Paige as she embarked on an epic legal battle. It was one that would put her portfolio and even use of her own name in jeopardy, and could have cost the rising star her entire career.
But now that rulings have been determined and cases are closed, Hayley Paige can be “Hayley Paige” once more.
“I feel so energized,” Hayley said in an interview with Brides of Long Island. “I think I just never anticipated this outcome. I really grieved my name and I thought I wasn’t going to be able to work in the industry for a few more years. And now, I have both and I own the intellectual property. So it’s a whole sundae of a celebration.”
Image courtesy of Hayley Paige
“This is the first time I’ve really started something from the ground up.”
Not one to let legal woes keep her in limbo, Hayley Paige pivoted from the bridal industry in 2020 and opened She is Cheval, a specialty shoe brand that continued to carry her unmistakable style. “She is Cheval has been a labor of love because this is the first time I’ve really started something from the ground up,” she explained. “In my previous chapter, all I had to focus on was the design and persona and the storytelling. With She is Cheval, I really had to think about inventory management and learning an entirely new trade set in making shoes. My specialty is in dress design, and while some of that is transferable, the mechanics of a shoe are totally different. You can’t tailor a shoe.”
The key, Hayley says, was allowing herself the room to grow. “Something that I really focused on going into it was just saying ‘I’m going to learn as I go.’ I knew there would be mistakes made, and I prepared myself with the idea that people may not even like me in shoes! So I set that expectation to be very based in reality. And I’m grateful, because I can take a lot of the lessons I learned into this new chapter.”
Image courtesy of Hayley Paige
“I really enjoyed pushing the fashion boundaries in the bridal space.”
Now that she’s reclaimed the use of her name and previous work, Hayley’s plans for the future are robust. “I’m really looking forward to reigniting the signature Hayley Paige DNA, and celebrating the past Hayley Paige bride as well as moving the aesthetic ball forward,” she described. “I really enjoyed pushing the fashion boundaries in the bridal space. I loved being super specific and doing novelty fabrics that weren’t common.”
She’s also excited for the partnerships and collaborations that will evolve over time. “I want to make sure that I am still carrying that torch as much as I can, and getting the industry excited because there are so many wonderful designers out there,” Hayley continued. “I think there’ll be a lot of collaboration opportunities as well, whether that be with the bride or stores or other designers. It’ll be fun to explore all of that.”
Image courtesy of Hayley Paige
“I think what’s important is being able to go through setbacks without losing your enthusiasm for what you want to accomplish.”
Hayley had valuable words of advice for the small business owners and entrepreneurs in BOLI’s ranks. “When you go through these setbacks, it can really challenge your confidence, your credibility, your excitement for things,” she explained. “I think what’s important is being able to go through setbacks without losing your enthusiasm for what you want to accomplish. It’s a lesson in resilience, but you can also spin it on the other side – it’s a test if you’re able to go from massive success to massive success while keeping your humility. Things can go really, really well and then they can go really, really bad. And who you become when you’re practicing your trade or developing your skills is important.”
Image courtesy of Hayley Paige
“I want to do right by as many people as I possibly can.”
More than anything, Hayley is grateful for the support from her community. “It was a big undertaking to jump into a new space like shoes, and whenever you do something new, you look for validation and you look for connection,” she said. “I had so much support and inspiration coming directly from my community that it makes me want to be able to give it back. I want to do right by as many people as I possibly can.”
For Hayley, part of “giving back” is always keeping the lines of communication open. “I’m not an authority, but I’ve definitely learned a lot. I’m a very approachable person, so if someone gets inspired or wants to reach out to me directly, I encourage it. I try to get to all of my DMs.”
Another part of giving back? A special offer, just for our Brides of Long Island community:
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Image courtesy of Hayley Paige